Easy Online Access, Mobile Deposits, and ATM Convenience
No matter which account you choose, rest easy knowing that we are on your side and ready to help. Our dedicated team is committed to providing you with personalized support every step of the way. From answering your questions to assisting with account management, we're here to ensure your banking experience is seamless and stress-free. Trust us to have your back as you navigate your financial journey.
Features and Benefits For All Checking Accounts
- Online and Mobile Banking
- Mobile Deposit
- Online Bill Pay
- eStatements
- Account Alerts
- Visa® Debit Card
First Rewards Checking
- $100 to open
- Interest-bearing
- No monthly maintenance fee
- Bonus rate paid and non-FNBBA ATM fees refunded up to two (2) per statement cycle if qualifications are met

- At least one (1) ACH (electronic) deposit or withdrawal posted and settled within the statement cycle;
- At least ten (10) debit card transactions processed as Point of Sale (POS/non-PIN based), posted and settled within the statement cycle (transactions processed by merchants as ATM do not qualify);
- Enrolled in E-statements
Investment Checking
- $1,500 to open
- Interest-bearing

Monthly Maintenance Fee Schedule:
- None if $1,500 minimum balance maintained;
- $3 if minimum balance $1,000-$1,499.99;
- $7 if minimum balance $500-$999.99;
- $10 if minimum balance $499.99 or less.
Free Checking
- $100 to open
- No monthly maintenance fee
Starting to Earn Money?
Start a GrowGetter Checking Account
Bank anytime, anywhere
Your money is at your fingertips, whether at home, at work, or on the go.
- $100 minimum deposit to open
- Must be age 13 to 30.
The Benefits
- First $1,000 earns 5.00% APY1
- FREE Digital Banking
- FREE Online Bill Pay
- FREE Mobile Banking
- FREE E-Statements
- FREE Check Card
- No monthly maintenance fee for minors (13-18)
- $5 monthly maintenance fee for those over the age of 18, waived if qualifications are met
- At least five (5) debit card transactions processed as Point of Sale (POS/non-PIN based) and totaling at least $25, posted and settled within the statement cycle (transactions processed by merchants as ATM do not qualify)
- Enrolled in E-Statements
1Disclosure: APY indicates Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 6/01/2024. Rates may change after the account is opened. The portion of the daily balance that is up to $1,000 earns 5.00%. The APY for the portion of the balance that is above $1,000 will range from 4.84% to .26%. Account fees could reduce earnings. Qualifying transactions must post and settle to account during statement cycle. ATM and non-signature based purchases do not count towards qualifying check card purchases. Limit 1 account per tax ID. Account will be converted to an interest-bearing checking account within 12 months after the 30th birthday of the account holder(s). Parent or legal guardian must be co-owner on account for minor.
All accounts, including FREE CHECKING, are subject to a $32 Overdraft Fee assessed when there are insufficient funds in the account to cover: checks, electronic funds transfers, authorized payments, and other withdrawals. The account must be brought to a positive balance at least once every 30 days. We may refuse to pay an overdraft at any time, even though the account is in good standing and even though we may have previously paid overdrafts on the account.
Important information about opening a new account.
To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activites, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account
What this means for you
When you open an account, we will ask your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver's license or other identifying documents.