Start saving for life's important milestones 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam interdum aliquam elementum.

Money Fund

$2,500 to open


$10 maintenance fee if Average Daily Balance falls below $2,500 within the statement cycle

Super Money Fund

$25,000 to open


$10 maintenance fee if Average Daily Balance falls below $25,000 within the statement cycle


$100 to open 


$5 maintenance fee if Average Daily Balance falls below $100 within the calendar quarter

Six (6) withdrawals per calendar quarter at no charge; $1 per withdrawal after six (6)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget consectetur ante. Duis eget dignissim magna. Pellentesque massa enim, congue eu augue non, volutpat condimentum ligula.

Section Title

Quisque lacus velit, posuere a condimentum nec, ultrices ac nunc. Donec tincidunt, erat at sagittis tincidunt, ligula nisi blandit sapien, sit amet placerat nibh felis eget diam. Curabitur sed tellus vestibulum, mattis magna tempor, vulputate ipsum. Quisque aliquam hendrerit justo non finibus. Praesent sed risus sed mauris iaculis rutrum. Integer magna dolor, dignissim vel nulla eget, eleifend scelerisque lorem. Aliquam a nisi porta, vehicula neque ac, mattis lectus. Maecenas arcu massa, mattis vel neque eget, tincidunt facilisis nisl. In est mi, tempor congue mauris sed, ullamcorper ullamcorper velit. Maecenas sit amet est justo. Fusce dapibus metus faucibus odio egestas facilisis. Vivamus pellentesque velit in libero aliquet, nec condimentum urna bibendum.

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All accounts, including Free Checking, are subject to a $32 Overdraft Fee and assessed when there are insufficient funds in the account to cover: checks, electronic funds transfers, authorized payments, and other withdrawals. The account must be brought to a positive balance at least once every 30 days. We may refuse to pay an overdraft at any time, even though the account is in good standing and even though we may have previously paid overdrafts on the account.

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